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03_Class Cancellation

The following is an explanation of class cancellations and notification methods of them.

●Class Cancellations [1]
●University-wide Class Cancellations
 1:Class Cancellation due to Severe Weather [2]
 2:Class Cancellation due to the Occurrence of a Major Earthquake [3]
 3:Class Cancellation in the Event of a Large-Scale Power Outage [4]
 4:Class Cancellation due to Transport Strikes [5]
 5:Method of Contact in Case of an Emergency [6]

Class Cancellations

Class cancellations will be notified in the following ways. Please check the page of each course in Waseda Moodle and your Waseda email regularly.

  1. Notices on MyWaseda (MyWaseda>Classes>Class Related-Lecture Cancellation)
  2. Announcements on the Waseda Moodle course page
    *Notices on MyWaseda and notifications on Waseda Moodle will be sent to your Waseda email after they are posted on Waseda Moodle, but it will take a bit of time until they are sent to your email. Be sure to check MyWaseda and Waseda Moodle regularly.
    *If you cannot confirm the information via MyWaseda/Waseda Moodle, please check the website of the school offering the courses.

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University-wide Class Cancellations

In general, during severe and dangerous weather conditions, the University will issue a directive to cancel classes (except classes on public holidays or during vacation time) and postpone examinations, etc. Directives involving such contingency measures on any campus will apply to all courses and examinations taking place in-person on the designated campus.
All affected students are expected to keep themselves informed and heed such directives. Students are advised to delay their commute or to refrain from coming to the University when their commuting routes (to the campus where their classes are taking place) are under any severe-weather warning issued by the Meteorological Agency or a “J-Alert” warning concerning a potential ballistic missile attack, and they feel that commuting will endanger their safety. In such cases, students should submit a completed “Notification of Absence” to the office of their affiliated department for approval and show the approved form to their course instructors when requesting consideration for that absence.

Exceptions to University-wide Class Cancellations
Regarding online classes, there may be cases in which it is difficult due to adverse weather conditions, etc. for students to participate online. Students should determine for themselves if they are unable to participate in that day’s classes, and in such cases, they can request consideration for the absence the following day through the office of their affiliated department (school or graduate school).

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1:Class Cancellation due to Severe Weather

Any decision to cancel classes, postpone examinations, or enact other contingency measures due to severe weather is the responsibility of the University and will not be based solely on warnings and advisories issued by the Japan Meteorological Agency.
However, when weather conditions are severe (heavy rainfall, flooding, high winds, blizzard conditions, heavy snow, etc.) or when a warning has been issued by the Japan Meteorological Agency and a determination has been made by the University that current conditions pose a danger to the safety of students, faculty, and staff, the University will enact contingency measures such as the cancellation of classes and postponement of examinations, etc. Please be aware, if there is no special directive issued by the University, classes and examinations will typically not be cancelled or postponed.

● When deciding on measures to cancel classes and postpone examinations.

If the University decides to enact contingency measures such as the cancellation of classes, postponement of examinations, etc., the University will inform all students of the decision at least 60 minutes prior to the start of each affected class period or examination via the emergency communication channels shown below (“Method of Contact in Case of an Emergency” [6]). Whenever possible, the University will make efforts to inform students, faculty, and staff of cancellations and postponements, etc. at least two hours prior to their scheduled time.

● When weather conditions are expected to worsen over time, such as typhoons and heavy snow.

Based on the prevailing weather conditions during a typhoon, heavy snow, etc., where forecasts with reasonable accuracy can be made, the University may issue an emergency bulletin a day in advance to cancel classes, postpone examinations, etc. In such cases, a decision will be made by 7 p.m. and a notification posted for students via the emergency communication channels shown below (“Method of Contact in Case of an Emergency” [6]).

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2:Class Cancellation due to the Occurrence of a Major Earthquake

If an earthquake with a seismic intensity of 5 Lower or above on the Japanese scale is recorded in the cities of Shinjuku (Tokyo), Tokorozawa (Saitama), or Kitakyushu (Fukuoka), classes at the respective campuses will be cancelled as follows. This policy also applies to online classes and examinations. In principle, no notification will be sent via MyWASEDA or Waseda Mail, and classes will be automatically cancelled.  

City Campuses
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo or

Tokorozawa-shi, Saitama 

Waseda Campus 

Toyama Campus 

Nishiwaseda Campus 

Tokorozawa Campus 

Kikuicho Campus 

Art and Architecture School 

Center for Advanced Biomedical Sciences(TWIns 

Higashifushimi Campus 

Kamishakujii Campus (Only University classes) 

Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka  Kitakyushu Campus 

*These guidelines do not apply to Honjo Campus, Nihonbashi Campus, Extension Center (Waseda Campus and Nakano Campus), Waseda University Junior and Senior High School, and Honjo High School.
*For the Kitakyushu Campus, classes will also be canceled if a “tsunami warning”tsunami-keihou) is issued. 

Please check “Guidelines for Canceling Classes in the Event of a Major Earthquake [8]” for information on how class resumption will be announced and other details. 

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3:Class Cancellation in the Event of a Large-Scale Power Outage

In the event of a large-scale power outage occurring unpredictably in the wake of overwhelming demand for electricity, the University will cancel classes as follows. Classes will be resumed in the first period of the day following the restoration of electric power.

●If a large-scale power outage occurs during a class period (periods 1-7)

Remain calm and stay inside the classroom until the situation is under control. All classes scheduled for the rest of the day will be cancelled.

●If a large-scale power outage occurs outside a class period:

All classes scheduled for the day will be cancelled.

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4:Class Cancellation due to Transport Strikes

Waseda, Toyama, Nishi-Waseda Campus should refer to items 1), 2), 3), and 4), below. Tokorozawa Campus should refer to items 1), 2), 3), and 5), below.

1) If JR or any other public transport company goes on strike (a general strike or a JR strike).

the following arrangements will apply:
A. If the strike ends by 12 midnight of the previous day, classes will proceed as normal.
B. If the strike ends by 8 a.m. on the day in question, classes will start from Period 3.
C. If the strike does not end by 8 a.m., all classes will be cancelled.
*It should be noted that the above does not apply to work-to-rule action at JR or to strikes affecting private railway companies.

2) If JR in the Tokyo Metropolitan area goes on a limited (local) strike.

Classes will proceed as normal.

3) If JR in the Tokyo Metropolitan area goes on a full-scale time-limited strike.

arrangements will apply:
A. If the strike ends by 8 a.m., classes will start from Period 3.
B. If the strike ends by 12 noon, classes will start from Period 6.
C. If the strike continues past 12 noon, all classes will be cancelled.

4) If only private railways excluding JR, or the Metropolitan Transport Authority, go on strike.

Classes will proceed as normal.

5) If either the Seibu Railway Shinjuku Line or Seibu Railway Ikebukuro Line goes on strike, or even if neither of the Seibu Railway lines are on strike but both Seibu Bus and Seibu Motors go on strike.

go on strike, then the following arrangements will apply:
A. If the strike ends by 8 a.m., classes will start from Period 3.
B. If the strike continues past 8 a.m., all classes will be cancelled.

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5:Method of Contact in Case of an Emergency

Waseda University will make emergency announcements through the Emergency Communication System, as outlined below.

  1. Waseda University Emergency Bulletin Website [9]
  2. “Announcements” in MyWaseda [10]
  3. Waseda Mail

The same information can be accessed via the following channels.

  1. MyWaseda [10]
  2. Waseda University Website [11]
  3. Waseda University Official X (formerly Twitter) [12]
  4. Waseda University Official Facebook [13]

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