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Waseda Sports

Sports Club

Waseda University’s sports clubs, including the baseball team, which is established in 1901, have produced leaders in various sports and contributed to the development of sports in Japan. At present, there are about 2,600 members registered in 44 athletic clubs, and with the pride of Waseda University in their hearts, they are aiming to become the best university in Japan. There are also members who compete on the world stage as top athletes. The goal of the Waseda Athlete Program (WAP) is to produce global leaders who will support society by inheriting the spirit of the program to all club members, who aim to achieve both academic and athletic success and also engage in community exchange and social contribution activities.

The “Athletic Honor Award [1]” is given to clubs and individuals who have achieved outstanding athletic results, and the “ Athlete Program Award [2]” is given to students who have achieved outstanding academic results.

Waseda Sports to spread its wings to the world

The traditional Waseda-Keio match is a battle that cannot be lost against our rival and good friend Keio University. In addition to baseball, rugby, running, and soccer, many other events are held at the Waseda Arena, which opened at the Toyama Campus in March 2019, including the volleyball, basketball, handball, badminton, kendo, and karate clubs. Please come to the venue and join the cheering section to enthusiastically support your fellow club members!

For the latest information on Waseda sports, please check the Athletic Center Web site [3].

Contact (Athletic Center)

E-mail address: waseda-sports@list.waseda.jp
Phone number: 03-5286-3757
Location:Toyama Campus, Waseda Arena (Bldg. 37) 3F
Website: https://www.waseda.jp/inst/athletic/en/ [3]
※Please check the Web site for opening hours.

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