4-2.How to make corrections after sending your web application and inquiries

## The following pages have been translated by a machine translation system.
## Please note that the machine translation system does not guarantee 100% accuracy.

If you want to amend your declaration

If you need to make any additions or corrections to your application after you have applied for the year-end adjustment (the application is submitted by clicking on the “送信” button), please contact by the following Inquiry Form.
*No correction can be made for additions or corrections after the year-end adjustment documents have been sent or after the deadline for year-end adjustment. Please file a final tax return.
*No correction is required in the “世帯続柄” and “世帯主氏名” fields.



Inquiry details contact information
How to apply online and the year-end adjustment system (various deductions, etc.) ■お問い合わせフォーム
Issuing a year-end balance certificate for a faculty/staff housing construction subsidy loan zandaka@list.waseda.jp

Path to the contact form

