2.8 Using Workshop

Course Screen

1.Select the Workshop where you will submit your assignment.

2.Select “Start Preparing Submission”.

3.Click on “Submit your work” to submit your assignment.

For online text submissions:

For file submissions:

In Waseda Moodle, the concept of assignment deadlines is different from that of Course N@vi, so Please note that if you have been using Course N@vi, you should be aware of this. For example, if the end time of an assignment is set to “14:55”, there is a difference

  • Course N@vi
    Submissions close at 14:55:59.
  • Waseda Moodle
    Submissions are due at 14:55:00 (about 1 minute earlier than Course N@vi)

Therefore, in the case shown below, submissions will close at 14:55:00 on 6/18/2020. Please note that submissions made immediately before the date will not be accepted.

Please note that unless instructed to do so by the instructor, posting personal information (name and student ID number) in the name of the file or in the text will identify your personal information to the reviewer (the student whose role it is to assess your assignment).

4.As the faculty member in charge of the project moves into the “assessment phase” and assigns the assignment of the assessment, the Assessments must be made on or before the deadline set for other people’s submissions. The number of assessments allocated to you is determined by your teacher and you can click the “Assess” button on the page. Please click and rate each one.

5.There are several ways to evaluate it.

For a cumulative assessment:
①For each assessment item (there may be more than one), please select a score from among the options and write your comments.
②Provide overall comments on the assignment in the ‘Overall Feedback’ section.
③Click on the ‘Save & View Next’ or ‘Save & Close’ button.

①Please enter your comments on one (or more) of the assessment items.
②Provide overall comments on the assignment in the ‘Overall Feedback’ section.
③Click on the “Save & View Next” or “Save & Close” button.

Number of errors:
①For each assessment item (there may be more than one), please select one of the options and write your comments on it.
②Provide overall comments on the assignment in the ‘Overall Feedback’ section.
③Click the “Save & View Next” or “Save & Close” button.

For rubric assessment:
① For each assessment item (there may be more than one), please select the appropriate option.
② In the “Overall Feedback” section, enter your overall comments on the assignment.
③ Click on the ‘Save & View Next’ or ‘Save & Close’ button.

Once you have finished assessing all the tasks given to you, the workshop work is complete.

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