06-07-04. Checking a content (about the student mode)


You can check a created content from the standpoint of a student.

You cannot perform this operation on behalf of a specific student.The function is intended to check how a content is shown to the students in general.
  1. In the Lectures window, click .

  2. The window is displayed in student mode. Students use windows like the one shown below.

  3. You can use a content as students use it.(For example, you can take a quiz, respond to a questionnaire, submit a report, or reference material contents.)
    Here, suppose you take a quiz. Click the quiz you want to take.

  4. Click .

  5. You can take the quiz in the same way as students.

  6. Clicking cancels the student mode and returns you to the teacher mode.
  7. You can now perform operations such as creating folders or notices and editing contents.

    If a teacher answers a quiz in student mode, the result is not included in the calculated value.
    (Results of questionnaires, reports, etc. are not included, either.)

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