(2025.02.27) Upgrades
We have upgraded moodle (4.4).
The main additions are as follows:
- Activity Icon Update
Activity icons have been updated for improved visibility.
- Ordering Questions
A new question type, “Ordering,” has been added to quizzes. Students can now drag items displayed in random order and arrange them in the correct sequence to answer.
- Grade Aggregation by Grading Criteria in Quizzes
Grading criteria can now be added to quizzes, enabling not only overall grade calculation but also grade aggregation by individual grading criteria.
- “Post a Copy to All Groups” Feature in Forums
The “Post a Copy to All Groups” feature in forum settings is now easier to use. With a single setting, you can post the same forum content to all groups simultaneously.
- Drag & Drop Image Insertion
Images can now be uploaded simply by dragging and dropping them when inserting.
- Quiz history Format
The display of quiz attempt history has been updated.
Last Updated on 2025-02-27