Compliance Consultation Desk

Features of Compliance Consultation Desk

Waseda University has “Compliance Consultation Desk” both on and off campus to provide consultation on compliance matters. This section introduces consultation on harassment, which students should be particularly aware of.

The university has established “The Waseda University Guidelines for Harassment Prevention”, declared the adoption of protective, preventive measures against harassment of any kind involving all students, faculty, and staff, in order for them to be respected as individuals and to pursue their academic study, research, and administrative goals, and raised awareness of harassment and prevent it by distributing leaflets, providing information on the web, holding training sessions.

“Compliance Consultation Desk” is available for consultation on harassment as requested. If you are a victim yourself, or a friend who has received harassment confides in you, or you have any enquiries about Waseda’s initiative, please feel free to contact the consultation desk below. Specialized staff members will support you.

■Please refer to the slides (Japanese) for new students, which show the process from consultation at Compliance Consultation Desk to the remedy process at Harassment Prevention Committee.
■For more information about the University’s overall compliance efforts, please click here (Japanese).

Contact information (Please check the website for details.)

Compliance Consultation Desk:
We respect and value your privacy. Anonymous consultation is possible.
For more information, please check the website of each consultation desk and contact the one you are most comfortable discussing with.

【The External Desk】(Contractor: NEC VALWAY, Ltd.)
Hours:Monday – Friday 8:30-19:00, Saturday 8:30-17:00
Web site:
Phone:0120-123-393(toll free)
※English and Chinese are available

【The Internal Desk 】(The Office of Compliance)
Web site: Prevention Committee Website)

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