Global Education Center (GEC)
About the GEC
GEC offers various courses to form the foundation for students’ learning, which includes academic writing, mathematics, data science, information and English that are essential to all students regardless of their field of study. Also, available to any undergraduate students, the Minor system enables acquisition of a second field of expertise to complement your undergraduate major. In addition, GEC also offers wide range of courses such as physical education, fieldwork courses in and outside of Japan and collaboration courses with other universities that are sure to fulfill your intellectual curiosity.
Partnership with museums and art galleries
To provide opportunities for students to have a first-hand practical learning experiences, GEC has some partnership with museums and art galleries which enables students to access these institutions with a free/discounted admission fee. For details, please access the respective websites.
Partnership programs with: National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo National Museum and National Museum of Arts.
Minor system
Aside from students’ major field of study, the Minor system offers students a chance to pursue a number of specific theme.
Please see below for details.
STEP1 Choose your favorite minor program
▶Please refer to the Center website and the “University-wide Open Course Study Guide” for more information about available minor programs.
Please note that the information is available only in Japanese, and most of the minor programs are offered in Japanese.
STEP2 Take the designated courses from your choice of minor
▶You can take courses throughout your time in Waseda. Should you have any questions about your course plan, you are welcome to contact the coordinator of the minor.
STEP3 Submit an application for your minor
▶After earning 8 credits or more for your choice of minor, you will be eligible to apply for the completion of minor.
GOAL A certification of completion will be awarded upon fulfilling requirements
▶Should you fulfill the required credits for completion of minor at the time of graduation, a certificate of completion will be awarded.
E-mail address:
Course Consultation Desk: Waseda Portal Office(WPO)
Location: 1F, Building No.7, Waseda Campus