Sports Facilities

A fulfilling student life is only possible with a healthy body and mind. Exercise can be expected to increase your physical strength and also stabilize your mind. Find a way to exercise that suits your physical condition and lifestyle and develop a moderate exercise habit. The following is a list of major sports facilities at Waseda University that are freely available to students.

Training Center

The training center is fully equipped with locker rooms and shower rooms (fees apply). Depending on the time of the day, direct instruction is available from specialized trainers.

  • Registration fee: 4,500 yen per year
  • How to register: Bring your medical certificate (current for the year), certified photo (4 x 3 cm), student ID card, and fee payment certificate to the Training Center to register.

*For those who have received a Student Regular Health Check-up on campus, please check the website for informaition on how to check your health checkup status.

Location Mail Web site
Toyama Campus Building No.30 B2F (Student Hall) Training center

※Please check the website for the opening hours.

Refresh Studio

Pilates, yoga, and other lesson programs are offered by professional instructors.

  • Registration fee: 1,500 yen per year
  • How to register: Bring your student ID and fee payment certificate and register at the Training Center.
Location Mail Web site
Toyama Campus Building No. 37(Waseda Arena) B1F(Multi-purpose Sports Ground) Refresh Studio

※Please check the website for the opening hours.

Takaishi Memorial Swimming Pool

This heated indoor pool is available year-round and has six lanes. There is no registration fee.

  • Usage fee: Fee storage certificate 300 yen per use.
  • How to register: Bring your student ID, personal seal, medical certificate (from the current year), and ECG test results (from within the past 3 years) to the Takaishi Memorial Pool to register.
Location Phone Number Web site
Toyama Campus Building 38(Toyama Library Building) 03‒5286‒3758(Athletic Sports Center) Athletic Sports Center (Facilities)
(Japanese site)
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