01_Exams and Reports

This section explains the examinations, report assignments, etc. that are conducted to evaluate students who have completed the prescribed courses in each School/Graduate School.

-Method of Exam
-Type of Exam
-Other Exams (Absentee Examinations, etc.)
●Notes on Exam
●Cheating on Exams, etc.
●Report (Paper review)
-Precautions when Writing Reports and Essays
-Bachelor’s Thesis / Master’s Thesis
●Information about Exams (Web pages of each School/Graduate School)


Type of Exam

The examinations at WASEDA University consist of written examination, thesis examination, and oral examination, which are determined by each School/Graduate School/Center.

Assessment Measures

Some exams will be held during the regular class period, while others will be held after the end of the class period. Faculty members may also grade students according to mid-term exams, reports, quizzes, and class participation points. For details, please refer to announcements in class, Web syllabus, Study Guide of your School/Graduate School, and the School/Graduate School Web site.
* For examinations for courses offered by other Schools/Graduate Schools, please follow the examination rules set by the School/Graduate School where the course is offered and the instructions given by the faculty member in charge of the course.

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Other Exams

●Absentee Examinations
Students who were(/are?) unable to take the examinations due to the illness or other unavoidable reasons may take absentee examinations under the permission of each Undergraduate/Graduate School. For details on Absentee Examinations, please refer to the School/Graduate School Guide or the School/Graduate School School Website.
*In order to take an Absentee Examination, you may need to submit documents that objectively prove the reason for your absence, pay the examination fee and complete other procedures.
*If you are absent from class due to unavoidable circumstances, you may request for (special) consideration from faculty member. For the university-wide procedures and standards, please refer to “Class Absences”.

●Other Exams
In accordance with the regulations of each School/Graduate School, examinations may be held for failed courses if the prescribed eligibility requirements are satisfied. For more details, please refer to the Study Guide of your school/graduate school or the School/Graduate School Website.

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Notes on Exam

*The following are general precautions. Please follow the precautions specified by the department offering the course. Please refer to Information about Exams (Web pages of each School/Graduate School) or School/Graduate School Guide.

  • The exam should be conducted in a strict manner.
  • Cheating and other forms of academic dishonesty will be dealt with strictly according to the regulations of the School/Graduate School/Center.
  • During the exam, please follow the instructions of the faculty member or the proctor.
  • Please be sure to bring and present your student ID card when you take the examination. If you forget your student ID card, or if your student ID card is being reissued, please go to the office of the School/Graduate School/Center where the course is offered and ask about issuing a permission slip (the name may differ depending on the School/Graduate School/Center).
  • If you are late for the exam, you may not be allowed to take the exam. However, if you are late due to a traffic accident, you may be allowed to take the exam if you submit a certificate of delay.
  • Please note that date, start time and the location of the exams may be different from the regular class time.
  • The use of electronic devices such as computers, cell phones, PHS, Smart phones, Smart watch, electronic dictionaries, etc. is not allowed, except when instructed by the faculty member in charge.
  • Students are not allowed to bring in any items other than those specified by the faculty member in charge.
  • Please write your name and student ID number on the question / answer sheets before submitting them.
  • You are not allowed to take the question/answer sheets home with you, unless faculty member allows you to do so.
  • In the event that weather or other unforeseen circumstances prevent the exam from being held as scheduled, please follow the instructions provided by School/Graduate School/Center offering the courses.
  • Please check and follow the precautions specified by the department (each School/Graduate School/Center) offering the course.
Class Cancellations

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Cheating in Exams, etc.

In the case of cheating in examinations, etc. (written examinations, oral examinations, thesis examinations, and all other forms of examinations conducted according to course requirements), strict disciplinary action will be taken according to the regulations of each school/graduate school/center. For the handling of cheating in your School/Graduate School, please refer to the Study Guide of the School/Graduate School. In the case of cheating in a course offered by a department other than the one to which you belong, you may be subject to punishment based on the standards of the department in which the course is offered.

Examples of Disposition


  • Failure in the relevant course, invalidation of all course evaluations, suspension, etc.


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Report (Paper review)

For some courses, the evaluation may be based on the submission of a report on a specified subject. Report assignments must be submitted at the designated place and time. For more details on submission methods, please follow the instructions of the faculty member in charge and the School/Graduate School/Center where the course is held.

Precautions when Writing Reports and Essays

Plagiarism (including self-plagiarism), such as failing to properly cite another person’s text from books, websites, etc., when writing a report or paper, is considered cheating and will result in disciplinary action. Please make sure you understand how to cite correctly and write your reports and papers in the right manner.

Precautions when Writing Reports and Essays

Bachelor’s Thesis / Master’s Thesis

Each School/Graduate School has its own requirements for graduation (completion). Even within the same School/Graduate School, the rules (e.g., whether or not to submit a thesis) and procedures (e.g., how to submit a thesis) required for graduation (completion) may differ depending on the year of admission, department, and course. For details on graduation (completion) requirements and submission of Bachelor’s Thesis and Master’s Theses, please check your School/Graduate School’s guidelines, Web site, etc.

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Information about Exams (Web pages of each School/Graduate School)

Please make sure to check the website of your School/Graduate School offering the course for information about the examinations.

[School] Examination Page

●School of Political Science and Economics
●School of Law (Only in Japanese)
●School of Culture, Media and Society (Only in Japanese)
●School of Humanities and Social Sciences(Only in Japanese)
●School of Education (Only in Japanese)
●School of Commerce
●School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
●School of Creative Science and Engineering
●School of Advanced Science and Engineering
●School of Social Sciences
●School of Human Sciences (Only in Japanese)
●School of Sport Sciences (Only in Japanese)
●School of International Liberal Studies

[Departments offering the course other than Schools] Examination Page

●Global Education Center(GEC)
●Center for International Education(CIE)
●Center for Japanese Language(CJL)

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