06-02-01. Creating a quiz


Each time you create a question of a quiz, click . When you finish creating all questions, click . Clicking alone does not complete the creation of a quiz.

Suppose you create a quiz like the one shown below.

  1. In the Lectures window, click the lecture folder for which you want to create a quiz.

    You can create a quiz not only in a lecture folder but also directly in the My Courses. You can also create a folder and create a quiz in that folder.
  2. The information of the selected lecture folder is displayed.
    From the operation list box, select [QuizMake] and click .

  3. In the QuizCreate window, enter the title of the quiz in "Title."

    Items in the window ⇒ "Items in the QuizCreate window"
  4. Enter a description as necessary, and set a question. Click .

  5. The QuizQuestionCreate window appears. Select the question style. (In this case, select Single choice.)
    Enter values in [Score allocation] and [Number of choices], and click .

  6. Enter the description and choices, check the correct answer, and click .

    In "Explanation of answers," you can enter the explanation of the answers of the quiz.
    If you do not check [Yes] for [Show grade to student?] in the [QuizCreate] window after creating all questions for the quiz, students cannot view the explanation.
    Students cannot view the explanation outside the grade disclosure period.

  7. The QuizQuestionCreate window appears for Question 2.If you want to create another question, proceed to set Question 2.
    If you have finished setting questions, click .

  8. The QuizCreate window appears again. If there is nothing to change, click . Clicking allows you to see how the created quiz will be displayed.

  9. The confirmation window appears. If there is nothing to change, click .

    You have successfully created a quiz.

    You can change questions even after submitting a quiz. Note, however, that if any student has already answered the questions, you may not be allowed to make changes because doing so may make the data inconsistent.
    【Items that cannot be changed】

    • Addition, deletion, rearrangement, and copy of questions (choices)
    • CSV uploading of questions (choices)
    • Change in the question style (e.g. from Single choice to Free answer)
    • Change in the number of choices for a single-choice or multiple-choice question
    • Change in the number of blanks for a fill-in-the-blanks question
    • Change in the character number check method
    • Change in the number of random questions
    If a change to any question setting item alters scores, that change is not reflected on the submitted answer data.
  10. Check how the quiz is shown to students.
    "06-06-04. Checking a content (about the student mode)"

Items in the QuizCreate window

Item Description Remarks
Title Title of the quiz Required.
Description Description of the quiz

(1) You can decorate the text.
Bold, italics, underline, font color change, background color change, left alignment, centering, right alignment, indent setting, font size
(2) You can edit the text.
Copy, paste, cut, undo (redo)
(3) You can insert files and tables.
URLs can be linked.
(4) You can set the input window.
You can switch from the HTML format display to the screen image. The window size can be changed.
(5) You can use the equation editor "BrEdiMa."

Attach file Specify the material (file) to be referred to by the student for the quiz as a whole. Click and specify the file. If you want to attach more than one file, click and specify another file.
To delete an attached file, select the file and click .
Response period Specify the period during which the students can answer the quiz. When omitted, this period becomes the same as the display period of the lecture.

You can use the calendar that by clicking the calendar icon .
The quiz is not shown to students until the response period starts.
Show grade to student?/Show results?/Period Set whether to disclose the grade and calculation results. Also specify the period during which they can be viewed. When omitted, this period becomes the same as the open period of the lecture.

You can use the calendar that by clicking the calendar icon .
In the case where Show grade to student? is checked, "Notify when grades are opened" is automatically sent to the student when the grade disclosure date is reached, if set so by the student.(This applies only to marked quiz results.)
Allow comments? Specify whether to make comments on the answers to the quiz. Check "Yes" to make comments.
Allow students to temporarily save answers? Specify whether to permit saving of the quiz answers temporarily. Check "Yes" to permit saving.

While the answers are saved temporarily, the quiz is not regarded as answered.
Set passing score? Set whether to set the passing score. When setting the passing score, select [Yes] and enter the passing score.
Allow students to resubmit quiz? Set whether to allow students to resubmit the quiz. You can select [Yes], [Only when they fail], or [No].
Notify students when comments are made on their answers? E-mail is sent to the student when there is a comment on his or her answer.  
Notify of new answers by e-mail? Set whether to send e-mail to notify the student that his or her answers have been received. When the teacher is checked, e-mail is sent to the address registered in E-mail Address 1 of the profile. A different address can be specified for each group social position.
If you select [Send notice to (specify address):], you can specify the address to which e-mail is to be sent.
Post an announcement about the Quiz? A notice is sent to indicate that a quiz has been created. A notice is registered to indicate that a quiz has been posted.
You can select [Yes], [Yes (sent an e-mail as well)], or [No].

Display in list? Specify whether to display or hide the quiz in the list in student mode. Check "Display" to display the quiz in student mode. Otherwise, students cannot view the quiz even during the response period.
Display settings Setting of screen display method of the quiz Set [List in order of:] and [Number of items to display on one page:].
Authorization Setting of the access authority
"05-02-02.Display Method and Authorization Editing"
The information set in student mode can be checked.

Question styles and time limit of a quiz

Question style Select the form of the question. [Single Choice]: A single answer is to be selected out of multiple choices.
[Multiple Choice]: Multiple answers are to be selected out of multiple choices.
[Fill in the blanks]: Blanks in a sentence are to be filled.
[Free answer]: The answer is to be written freely.
[Chaptered]: Major questions and minor questions are combined.
[Random]: Questions are randomly displayed out of multiple questions.
[Free choice]: A question is to be selected and answered out of multiple questions.

A: Selecting "Single choice"

  1. Enter the number of choices and click .

  2. Then, you can enter selections, specify the display format of the choices, and explanation of the answers.

    • Selection: Enter choices, and check the correct answers.
    • Display format of the choices: Specify the display format of the choices.
    [Display choices in random order] Each time the answering window of the quiz is displayed, the order of choices is changed randomly.
    [List] The choices are displayed in a pull-down list.
    [Radio button] The radio buttons are provided to the choices and the respondent is supposed to check the answer.
    [Display each choice in new line] Each choice is displayed in one paragraph.
    • Explanation of answers: Write the explanation about the question and answers.

B: Selecting "Multiple choice"

<Image of the question>

  1. Enter the number of choices and click .

  2. Then, you can enter selections, specify the display format of the choices, and explanation of the answers.

    • Selection: Enter choices, and check the correct answers.
    • Display format of the choices: Specify the display format of the choices.
    [Display each choice in new line] Each choice is displayed in one paragraph.
    [Display choices in random order] Each time the answering window of the quiz is displayed, the order of choices is changed randomly.
    • Number of answers to be selected: Specify the maximum number of answers that can be accepted.
    • Explanation of answers: Write the explanation about the question and answers.

C: Selecting "Fill in the blanks"

<Image of the question>

  1. Enter the number of choices (number of blanks) and click .

  2. Then you can enter the Selection size and Answering pattern.

    • Size of blank: Specify the size of the blank field.
    • Question text: Type text to be the question.
    • Answer pattern: Enter the alternatives of the correct answer to be filled in the blank. By feeding a new line, you can enter multiple alternatives. An answer that exactly matches one of the alternatives input in this field will be handled as a correct answer.
    • The em-size normal-width is distinguished.: Check this box to distinguish between em-size and en-size characters in answers.
    • Capital letters and small letters are distinguished.: Check this box to distinguish between capital letters and small letters in answers.
    • Explanation of answers: Write the explanation about the question and answers.

D: Selecting "Free answer"

<Image of the question>

  1. Select [Free answer].

  2. You can enter the maximum characters of the answer and explanation.

    • Check number of characters?: Limit the number of characters to be displayed on the answering window.
    The number of characters is counted and displayed as the student enters text for the quiz.

    • When number of characters exceeds limit: Select how to warn when the number of characters exceeds the limit.
      You can select "Display number of characters entered only," "Display warning," or "Do not accept."
    • Explanation of answers: Write the explanation about the question and answers.

E: Selecting "Chartered"

<Image of the question>

  1. Select [Chartered].

  2. You can create subordinate questions. Create a subordinate question in the same way as you create a question.

    • : Registers the subordinate question.
    • : Displays a window for creation of the next subordinate question.
    • Undo: Returns the subordinate question creation window to the initial state.

F: Selecting "Random"

  1. Select [Random].

  2. You can enter the number of questions and alternative questions.

    questions to be asked randomly: Specify the number of questions to be asked out of the created alternative questions.

    • : Registers the alternative question.
    • : Displays a window for creation of the next alternative question.
    • : Returns the alternative question creation window to the initial state.

G: Selecting "Free choice"

<Image of the question>

  1. Select [Free choice].

  2. You can enter the number of questions to be selected and questions to be asked.

    questions to be selected: Specify the number of questions to be selected and answered out of the provided questions.

    • : Registers the question.
    • : Displays a window for creation of the next question.
    • : Returns the question creation window to the initial state.

H: Time limit

You can set a time limit for a quiz.
You can select "None," "Set individually," or "Total.".
The maximum time limit is 1:59:59.

It is displayed to the student as shown below.

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