16-05.Access privileges of each user

Here describe the access privileges each user has.

Users types and their access privileges
    1. 担当教員/teacher
      They have reference, edit, and grading authority for the course in charge.
    2. 講義担当/course-teacher
      On Waseda Moodle, the course-teacher has exactly the same privileges as the teacher in charge of the course. You have the authority to refer to, edit, and grade courses you are in charge of.
      *Final grades cannot be determined by the grade management system of the separate system.
    3. コーチ/coach
      On Waseda Moodle, the course-teacher has exactly the same privileges as the teacher in charge of the course. You have the authority to refer to, edit, and grade courses you are in charge of.
      *Final grades cannot be determined by the grade management system of the separate system.
    4. TA/teaching-assistant
      They have reference and edit authority for the course in charge.
    5. 授業事務補助者/administrative-assistant
      They have reference and attendance management authority for the “Attendance” content of course in charge.
    6. 履修者/student
      They have reference authority to the attending course.
    7. エクスターナルユーザ/external-user
      This user has the authority to refer to the courses he/she has taken. This is used when you need to take a course in Waseda Moodle, except for regular students.
Role Access privileges
Scoring Edit Reference
TA/teaching-assistant △(*)
授業事務補助者/administrative-assistant △(Attendance and Absence Only) △(Attendance and Absence Only)

*You will not be able to grade essay questions in the “Quiz” or enter comments when manually updating essay questions. Grading of “Forum” content is also not available. The “Assignments” content differs depending on whether the “Grading Workflow” is used or not. When the “Grading Workflow” is set to “Yes”, grades can be entered, but they cannot be made public (“released”) to students. On the other hand, when “Grading Workflow” is set to “No,” the grades will be reflected as they are entered. In addition, you can hide who has graded the course from the students by setting “Hide grader ID from students” to “Yes” in the “Grading” settings.

Even if the same user changes privileges in the middle of a course, the content subscription status will be carried over as is.
When a student who was registered as an “external-user” by application is officially changed to a “student” by course registration.
Authority to set up and execute activities

Some activities may require the acquisition of individual accounts in order to run, along with the privileges of each role. If necessary, please acquire individual accounts for each activity.
・Getting a Zoom Account[14-04-01.Notes on using Zoom

Last Updated on 2023-04-19

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