08_Course Registration-related Inquiries and Consultations

This section provides information on course registration-related inquiries and consultation methods.
At first, please check 02_Web Course Registration Procedure Procedures and 02_Class Information(Study Guide, Coure Registration Guide, etc.) carefully. If you still have questions, please use the FAQ and chatbot.

●Inquiries about Course Registration

●【Your Schools/Graduate Schools】Consultation for Course Registration
●【Courses offered at other Undergraduate/Graduate schools】Consultation for Course Registration
●【University-wide Open Courses, Courses offered at Other Universities, Common Courses among Different Graduate Schools, Courses Open to Graduate School Students(GEC)】Consultation for Course Registration
●【Center for Japanese Language(CJL)】Consultation for Course Registration
●Inquiries and Consultation for Online Classes
●Course Registration Consultation offered by Student Staffs
●Reasonable Accommodation


FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Chatbot – Support Anywhere (waseda.jp)

Inquiries about Course Registration

Inquiries about course registration should be made through the IT Help Desk inquiry form.
Available 24 hours a day.
*Please avoid inquiring at the end of the course registration period because you might not receive the response by the deadline. If you have any questions, contact the IT Help Desk as soon as possible.

How to make an inquiry

Click the “Inquiry” button and enter your question and necessary information in the inquiry window.

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【Your Schools/Graduate Schools】Consultation for Course Registration

For information regarding the curriculum and degree requirements of your department/graduate school, and the registration classification (counted/non-counted toward degree required credits, etc.) of registered courses including University-wide Open Courses, contact the office of your School/graduate school.

Consultation Method

Please inquire at the office of your School/Graduate School.

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【Courses offered at other Undergraduate/Graduate Schools】 Consultation for Course Registration

For courses offered at other undergraduate/graduate schools, please contact the office of the undergraduate school or graduate school offering the course.

*Each undergraduate and graduate school has its own rules regarding the registration categories (counted/non-counted toward degree required credits) and credit limits for courses offered by other undergraduate or graduate schools. If you have any questions, please contact the office of your school/graduate school.

How to consult

Please contact the office of the Undergraduate School or Graduate School offering the course.

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【University-wide Open Courses, Courses offered at Other Universities, Common Courses among Different Graduate Schools, Courses Open to Graduate School Students(GEC)】Consultation for Course Registration

For information regarding university-wide open courses, courses offered at other universities, common courses among different graduate schools, and courses open to graduate school students (GEC), please contact the Waseda Portal Office.

Since each school/graduate school has its own rules regarding the following information, please check the Course Registration Guide, and consult with the office of your school/graduate school if you have further questions.

  • Credits counted or not counted toward degree required credits
  • Credit limitation
  • Drop of courses other than University-wide Open Courses, Common Courses among Different Graduate School, Courses Open to Graduate School Student
  • Course Content or Class Cancellation information of university-wide open courses offered at undergraduate Schools

How to consult

If you wish to consult in-person, please make an appointment for your visit from the following page.

Waseda Portal Office HP > For Current Students > Course Registration Consultation

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【Center for Japanese Language(CJL)】Consultation for Course Registration

If you have questions about Japanese courses registration, CJL Research Assistants or Assistant professors will assist your course registration in this Consultation Room. The Consultation Room for Japanese Language Course Registration will be opened during the course registration period. Only consultations regarding course contents are acceptable.

We cannot accept questions about the following topics. If you wish to take Japanese language courses, please make sure to read the “Japanese Language Course Registration Guidebook” and watch the “Academic Orientation for Japanese Language Courses” video.

  • Schedule and process for course registration
  • How to take the CJL Level Check Test
  • Required credits

How to consult

Consultation Room for Japanese Language Course Registration (CJL)

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Inquiries and Consultation for Online Classes

Please refer to Learn Anywhere for information about online classes.

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Course Registration Consultation offered by Student Staffs

Waseda University provides consulting opportunities with student staffs about course registration. Please confirm the details below before using this service.


For detailed rules regarding course registration requirements, degree requirements which are set by each undergraduate/graduate school you belong to, please check the course registration guide and guidelines. If you have further questions, please check with the office of your undergraduate/graduate school. The following consultation with student staffs provides an opportunity to receive advice on their learning schedule and course registration based on their experiences.


(Activities will be conducted in Japanese, but international students are welcome to participate.)

Kouhai-navi is a Waseda University’s official project with a purpose of supporting the freshman students and high school students that will join waseda in the future. Course registration counseling sessions are held during the course registration period. Please see below for details.

Talk Anywhere (Tokueni)

The Waseda Portal Office has opened a “Talk Anywhere” (Tokueni) where student staffs working at the Waseda Portal Office provide consultation and information gathering support for questions and problems related to student life and study. Please see below for details.

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Reasonable Accommodation

In accordance with the “Basic principles of Waseda University in relation to the support of students with disabilities”, Waseda University provides academic accommodation (reasonable accommodation) as necessary to ensure that students with disabilities have equal access to learning opportunities with other students. If you need reasonable accommodations for learning due to a disability, please apply following the guide on the Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) website.

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