How to allow students to answer multiple times in a quiz, but deducting points each time

This section explains how to set up an auto-gradable quiz that allows students to answer multiple times, but deducts points each time.

Multiple responses are not allowed for “○/×” and “essay” questions.

Setting up a quiz

For instructions on how to create a quiz, please refer to the following page.

Refer to:
10-01-01.Create Quiz (Detailed steps)

The “Grade”, “Question behavior”, and “Review options” items should be set as follows.

  1. Grade
    Attempts allowed: “1”
  2. Question behavior
    How questions behave: “Interactive with multiple tries”
    Allow redo within an attempt: “No”
  3. Review options
    During the attempt: Whether correct, Marks, and Specific feedback.
    (Checking Specific feedback will give students a hint)
    Immediately after the attempt: Check all

    If you want to feed back the correct answer or hint immediately after the answer, set the above setting. With this setting, once one of the students finishes answering, the correct answer displayed can be taught to other students.
    If you want to avoid this, uncheck the box.

Setting up a question

For instructions on how to create a question, please refer to the following page.

Refer to:
10-01-02.Add question to quiz (Detailed steps)

The “Multiple tries” section should be set as follows.

Penalty for each incorrect try: any percentage (e.g. 10%, then 10% points will be deducted for each wrong answer)
Hint N: Include a message after N times wrong.

Students can repeat the test as many times as they put in a hint here (if they put in Hint 2, they can answer the test 3 times in total). If you don’t put a hint here, students will not be able to take the test more than once.

Student screen

The behavior of a student answering the question created above is as follows. Here is an example of a student answering correctly for the third time.


  1. You can see that “Tries remaining” is 3. First, enter the first answer and press “Check”.
  2. The correct and wrong answers will be given and the first hint will be displayed. You can see that “Tries remaining” has decreased to 2.
  3. Press “Try again” to go back to the screen of step 1, enter your answer for the second time, and press “Check”.
  4. The correct and wrong answers will be judged, and the second hint will be displayed. You can see that “Tries remaining” has decreased to 1.
  5. Press “Try again” to go back to the screen of step 1, enter your answer for the third time and press “Check”.
  6. Because you got it wrong twice and got it correct the third time, you will be given a mark (8) with 20% points deducted.

Last Updated on 2023-05-12

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