07_Glossary of Grade-related Terms

In this page, we pick up and explain grade-related terms that are used throughout the university. However, there are some terms that are handled differently by School/Graduate School/Center, so please be sure to check the School/Graduate School Guide, Course Registration Guide, etc. of your School/Graduate School.

Glossary of Grade-related Terms

Terms Description
evaluation A grade based on a synthesis of the results of exams, reports, attendance and other normal points, and other learning tasks deemed necessary by the teacher in charge. A⁺“, “A“, “B“, “C“, “F” 5-step evaluation or P” and “Q” two-step evaluation. Some Schools/Graduate Schools have “G“, “H“, or “S” as the failing grade, so for details, please refer to your School/Graduate School’s Guide, Course Registration Guide, website, etc.

  • N:Evaluation authorized by study abroad, etc.
  • *:Courses whose evaluation has not yet been finalized.
  • Passing Evaluation:A+, A, B, C, P, N
  • Rejected Evaluation:F, G, S, Q
Relative Evaluation A method of evaluation that is relative to the total number of students enrolled in each course.
The ratio of each evaluation category and the courses to be covered may differ depending on the School/Graduate School, etc. For details, check the School/Graduate School Guide or website.
Student Status Current student status, such as “Attendance at school” ,”studying abroad,” “leave of absence,” etc.
Required (Credits) The number of credits that must be obtained for each specific course category. If a student does not meet all of these requirements, graduation will not be possible even if the required number of credits are obtained.

Credit Report/GPA
Passed (Credits) The total number of credits obtained per course category, including credits not counted toward graduation requirements.

Credit Report/GPA
Included (Credits) The total number of credits to be included in the required graduation credits obtained in each course category.

Credit Report/GPA
Credits counted toward degree required credits Credits to be counted as “credits required for graduation”.
Credits not counted toward degree required credits Not included in “credits required for graduation” or in the calculation of GPA.
If you pass a course, it will appear on your transcript, but it will not appear on your GPA certificate. The courses that are not included in the graduation requirement are handled differ depending on the School/Graduate School you belong to.
Required credits for degree completion The number of credits required for graduation. Note that not only the total number of credits, but also the number of credits required for each course category are specified. The number of credits required for graduation differs depending on the School/Graduate School (and department/course), so please check the School/Graduate School Guide.
(Graduation) Maximum number of credits to be Included The maximum number of credits that can be counted toward graduation. If a student registers for a course that exceeds the maximum number of credits that can be counted toward graduation, the excess credits will not be counted toward graduation even if the student passes the course.
Maximum number of credits allowed for registration The maximum number of credits that can be registered for each year, semester, course category.
GPA Abbreviation for “Grade Point Average”. A score obtained by dividing the sum of the product of the number of credits in each course and the grade point value (grade point) by the total number of registered credits. The total number of credits registered here means the number of credits in courses (excluding N-, P-, and Q-graded courses) that are counted toward graduation, including failed courses.

Course Category Curricular classification of courses. Each School/Graduate School may use different terminology (e.g., course divisions, course series, etc.). For details, please refer to Study Guide of the School/Graduate School and Course Registration Guide.
Required Course Courses that must be completed in order to graduate.
Required Elective Course Courses that must be taken from a limited course category and for which a prescribed number of credits must be obtained.
Retake Re-take the failed course. If the course is “required course”, it must be retaken.
Requirements for Advancement Some Schools/Graduate Schools have requirements in terms of achievement goals for students to advance to the next grade. Students who fail to meet the Requirements for Advancement will repeat a year (remain in the same grade) and are not eligible to take the same courses or pay the same tuition as students who are advanced. Check the School/Graduate School Guide for information on whether or not your School/Graduate School has a Advancement System.
Requirement for Graduation (Completion) Requirements for graduation (completion). Pay attention to the number of credits and required courses.
Standard years of study The minimum period of study required for graduation. The length of study is determined by the Waseda University School Regulations (4 years for undergraduate students).
Judgement for Status for Graduation (Completion)
/Assessment of Expected Graduation(Completion)
Each School/Graduate School judges whether students can fulfill the graduation (completion) requirements at the end of the relevant year or semester based on the results of course registration six months or one year before. The timing of the judgment and the notification of the results to eligible students differ according to each School/Graduate School.

Graduation (Completion) Assessment
Judgement for Graduation (Completion)
Assessment of Graduation(Completion)
Each School/Graduate School judges whether a student can graduate (complete) based on the grades, etc. obtained by the relevant semester.

Graduation (Completion) Assessment
Credit Transfer Credits obtained outside of the School/Graduate School to which the student belongs due to study abroad, etc., may be counted toward graduation requirements.

Credit Transfer

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