02-05.Inputting a course schedule

  • You can input the course schedule for each class, based on the number of lectures.
  • Both title and contents of a course schedule are required.
  • The number of lectures is, in principle, 15 in a half-year period and 30 throughout the year. Input fields are displayed according to the number of lectures.
  • Input the title and contents of a course schedule by referring to the following examples:
Example 1:
Course schedule title: 1st lecture
Course schedule contents: Orientation (purpose and outline of this lecture)
Example 2:
Course schedule title: 1st lecture – Orientation (purpose and outline of this lecture)
Course schedule contents: The purpose and outline of this lecture will be provided.
  • For courses not suitable to input the contents of each class, such as a seminar or graduation thesis guidance, you can select Entered in free format to change the input fields into a single field and edit it.

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