10-01-13.Add Embedded answers (Cloze) question

Cloze questions are written in text format (Moodle format) and can include multiple choice questions, short answer questions, and numerical questions.

A sample collection of this question type can be downloaded below.

Refer to:
10-01-20.How to use quiz sample questions in your course


    1. Choose [Embedded answers (Cloze)] question and click [Add].
    2. Enter “Question name” and “Question text.”

Enter the question text according to the following.

Question text example 1

{1:SHORTANSWER:=Paris#Correct~*#Wrong, please try again} is the capital of France.

In example 1, it is one short answer and fill-in-the-blank question. The correct answer is Paris, and other answers are incorrect. When the answer is incorrect, the feedback “Wrong, please try again” is displayed.

Question text example 2

Select the state where the next cities are located.
San Francisco: {1:MULTICHOICE:=California#OK~Arizona#Incorrect}
Tucson: {1:MULTICHOICE:California#Incorrect~%100%Arizona#OK}
Los Angeles: {1:MULTICHOICE:=California#OK~Arizone#Incorrect}
Phoenix: {1:MULTICHOICE:%0%California#Incorrect~=Arizona#OK}
Capital of France is {2:SHORTANSWER:%100%Paris#Congratulation!~%50%Marseille#No, it’s the second largest city in France~*#Incorrect The capital of France is Paris.}

In example 2, it is multiple choice style 5 fill in the blank type question.
・For San Francisco and Los Angeles, California is the correct answer.
・For Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona is the correct answer.
・Paris is 100% (2pt) and Marseille is 50% (1pt). When incorrect, “No, it’s the second largest city in France~*#Incorrect The capital of France is Paris.

Input format for Cloze questions
      • { } indicates the beginning and end of the subquestion.
      • The numerical value”1“ indicates the grade (weight) for each subquestion.
      • :SHORTANSWER defines Cloze subquestion. Definition is enclosed in ’:’.
        MULTICHOICE → Multiple choice quiestion
        SHORTANSWER → Short answer question
        NUMERICAL  → Numerical question and so on.(For more information, please see the bottom of the page here.
      • Put “=” before the correct answer or specify a percentage (%100%).
      • Specify nothing before the wrong answer, or specify a percentage (%0%)
      • If you give a partial score, you can assign a score between 0 and 100%.
      • All answers except the first are separated from each other by a “~” (tilde) symbol.
      • After the answer, you can enter any feedback following the “#” sign. If there is no feedback message, it does not matter whether the “#” sign is present or not.
      • If you want to set a feedback such as “Wrong, please try again” for a wrong answer in a short answer question, you can use “*” (asterisk) as all answers except correct answer.


3.Click [Save changes]. Now the embedded answers (Cloze) question is added to the quiz.

If you edit the saved question again and increase or decrease the embedded answers, the following message will be displayed when saving the question, so please check it.
○ of “Confirm then save ○” will contain the increase or decrease of the embedded answers. (Example: If the embedded answer increases by 2, it will be displayed as “-2”, and if it is decreased by 1, it will be displayed as “1”.
  1. Check the question on the preview.

Description for type of Cloze subquestion
  • Short answer question (SHORTANSWER or SA or MW), Not case sensitive.
  • Short answer question (SHORTANSWER_C or SAC or MWC), Case sensitive.
  • Numerical question (NUMERICAL or NM)
  • Multiple choice question (MULTICHOICE or MC). Shown in the text as pull down menu.
  • Multiple choice question (MULTICHOICE_V or MCV) represented as vertical columns of radio buttons.
  • Multiple choice question displayed as horizontal rows of radio buttons (MULTICHOICE_H or MCH)
  • Multiple choice question (MULTIRESPONSE or MR) displayed as a single column of checkboxes.
  • Multiple choice question displayed as horizontal rows of checkboxes (MULTIRESPONSE_H or MRH).

If “Shuffle within questions” of “Question behaviour” set as “Yes,” following multiple choice questions will be shuffled.

  • Multiple choice questions (MULTICHOICE_S or MCS), in line pull-down menu within the text.
  • Multiple choice questions (MULTICHOICE_VS or MCVS) represented as vertical columns of radio buttons.
  • Multiple choice questions (MULTICHOICE_HS or MCHS) displayed as horizontal rows of radio buttons
  • Multiple choice questions (MULTIRESPONSE_S or MRS) displayed as a single column of checkboxes.
  • Multiple choice questions (MULTIRESPONSE_HS or MRHS) displayed as horizontal rows of checkboxes.

Last Updated on 2023-05-11

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