10-01-19.Grade manually

Most of the question types are automatically graded. However, some question types like Essay question need to be graded manually by teachers.

  1. Open the quiz to check the grade. [Attempts: (number)] shows how many students took the quiz. Click [Attempts: (number)].
  2. Display the report for the quiz. Questions need to be graded manually are marked as [Requires grading]. Click [Requires grading] for the target student.
  3. Popup with the contents (answer) entered by the student comes up. Click [Make comment or override mark].
  4. New popup appears. Now “Comment” and “Mark” fields are added. Enter the mark, and comment if you wish to leave your comment.
  5. Click [Save] and the popup is closed shortly. If you check the first popup, the mark and comment are reflected.
  6. 5. Click [Close this window] to close the popup.
  7. 6. Now check the quiz report. Click [Show report] to refresh the page, and the question you manually marked is now graded.

Last Updated on 2023-02-22

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