10.Giving Quiz
- 10-01-21.Add an Ordering Question
- 10-01.Quiz
- 10-01-01.Create Quiz (Detailed steps)
- 10-01-02.Add question to quiz (Detailed steps)
- 10-01-03.Review option
- 10-01-04.Use question bank
- 10-01-05.Export/Import of questions
- 10-01-06.Use random questions
- 10-01-07.Add True/False question
- 10-01-08.Add all or nothing multiple choice question
- 10-01-09.Add Drag and drop onto image question
- 10-01-10.Add Drag and drop into text question
- 10-01-11.Add Short answer question
- 10-01-12.Add Calculated question
- 10-01-13.Add Embedded answers (Cloze) question
- 10-01-14.Add Essay question
- 10-01-15.Add Numerical question
- 10-01-16.Add Matching question
- 10-01-17.Add Multiple choice question
- 10-01-18.Check grade of quiz
- 10-01-19.Grade manually
- 10-01-20.How to use quiz sample questions in your course
- 10-02.How Quiz works
- 10-03.Quiz function operation training(video manual)
- 10-01-08.Add all or nothing multiple choice question