Open the assignment to grade. The number of participants (students) and submitted assignments are shown. Click [View all submissions].
Check [Quick grading] below the student list.
The contents that can be updated for each item are shown below.
Function type
Status (Workflow)
You can update the status of workflow grading. It must be in a “Released” state to have students review their grades and feedback. ・Not marked The assignment is not marked yet. ・In marking The grader has started marking but not completed yet. ・Marking completed The grader has finished marking, but needs to be checked. ・In review It is in the checking stage by the grader. ・Ready for release All grading and checking have been completed, and ready for the grade release to the students. ・Released Students are able to check their grades and feedback.
You can enter a grade for the submission.
Update grade You can move to the grade list for each student and update the grade.
Prevent submission changes You can prohibit individual students from changing their submissions even before the submission deadline.
Grant extension You can extend the submission deadline for individual students beyond the submission deadline set for the assignment.
Online text
If the assignment to be submitted by online text, the submission of the student (text) are shown here.
File submissions
If the assignment to be submitted by files such as Word or PDF, the submission of the student is shown here. Click the icon to download.
Feedback comment
If you want to provide feedback comments for individual students, you can enter here.
Feedback files
The files for feedback are displayed here for each student. Click the icon to download the file. Refer to “memo” below for how to send the feedback file.
・To send a feedback file in Quick grading, select the “Send feedback files” of “With selected…” under the quick grading table with tick the check box next to the target student (If you want to send the same feedback file to all students, you can select everyone by checking the check box in the [Select] column.) and click [Go]. Move to another page, add files, and click [Send feedback file] to complete.
When you complete the update, click [Save all quick grading changes].
When a grade is “released” in the grading workflow, the student will be notified by email that the grade is complete. If it is not “released,” the grade and feedback will not be made available to the student and will not be reflected in the grade. If you would like to change the grading workflow status in a batch rather than individually, please see below.
The quick grading also has the following features.
Function type
Lock submissions
You can prohibit individual students from changing their submissions even before the submission deadline.
Unlock submissions
You can unlock submission of the student who was locked in Ⓐ.
Download selected submissions
You can download the submission of the selected students. If you enable “Download submissions in folders” in Options at the bottom of the page, a folder will be created for each student in the downloaded ZIP file. This is effective when one student submits multiple files.
Grant extension
You can extend the submission deadline for individual students beyond the submission deadline set for the assignment.
Send feedback files
Refer to memo in No.3 above.
Set marking workflow state
You can update marking workflow state of the selected student. Refer to ⇒09-01. Assignment
The downloaded files can also be fed back to each student with comments at once. You can do this. If you select “Download grading worksheet” in 5. above, the files can be downloaded in batches. You can.
7.Copy and paste the downloaded file into the appropriate folder.
8.Comments and other comments (feedback) on the file are recorded and saved using a review function.
9.When you have recorded all the comments etc., make a zip file again.
10.Select “Upload multiple feedback files in a ZIP file”, select the relevant ZIP file, and click “Import feedback files”.
11.Click “Confirm” after confirming the file name and name of the target.
12.When you see the results of the add and update, click “Continue” if you are satisfied.
13.A feedback file will be added.